Best Spring Birding in the US South-East Arizona, 14 birding days
South-East Arizona guarantees an amazing combination of desert and mountain habitats during the peak spring season with unique local species. The desert offers great views of Cactus Wren, Roadrunner, different Thrashers, Verdin, Harris’s Hawk, Phainopepla, Pyrrhuloxia and many more. Rivers and ponds offer a real oasis for Vermillion Flycatcher, Least Grebe, Cinnamon Teal among others! We visit the famous and attractive canyons of different mountain ranges: Madera Canyon at the Santa Ritas, Miller and Ramsey Canyons at the Huachucas and we have accommodation at a birder’s paradise Cave Creek Canyon in the Chiricahuas. Bridled Titmice, Acorn and Arizona Woodpeckers, Pecari and Deer are garden species here along with various Hummingbirds including Blue-throated. We will search out Elegant Trogon, different Owls and at higher elevations Yellow-eyed Junco, Pygmy Nuthatch and Mexican Chickadee.