Beside birding tours there are more and more specialized wildlife tours available in Latin America & Worldwide. Nowadays travelers can select from a wide variety of Mammal Tours, search Frogs & Reptiles, photograph Butterfly and Moth species, concentrate just on Dragonflies or participate on a Wildflower tour, even narrow it down just to a specific group of species, such as Orchids.
We have been living and guiding in Latin America more than 15 years so we have a nice selection of some of the best Wildlife tours mentioned above.
One of our best Mammal tours in Latin America is in Pantanal, Brazil where beside watching wild Jaguars up close we always witness Giant Otters hunting, search Giant Anteaters, find local monkey species including even endemic ones or admire a Brazilian Tapir.
One of our best Butterfly & Moth Tours in Latin America is the Butterfly Tour in Yucatan & Chiapas, Mexico with an extension possibility to witness millions of wintering Monarchs at Central Mexico.
Our Abyssinian Endemics tour in Ethiopia concentrates not just on the birds but also on the extraordinary and unique wildlife which includes dozens of endemic mammal species. We explore the Rift Valley lakes, the Afro-Alpine Highlands, savannahs, lush forests and deserts in search of endemic and regional endemic birds, mammals and other wildlife.
Uganda is another hard to beat birding and wildlife destinations in Africa with more than 1000 bird species and an amazing array of wildlife from plethora of dazzling butterflies through the “typical safari mammals” like Giraffes, Zebras, Lions, Antelopes, Buffalos, Hippos, Elans to incredible sightings of Chimpanzees, Mountain Gorillas and several other primates as well.